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DAmageNet: A Universal Adversarial Dataset

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DAmageNet数据集的信息详见《Universal Adversarial Attack on Attention and the Resulting Dataset DAmageNet









python test.py DAmageNet VGG19,ResNet50,DenseNet121 0


Sizhe Chen, Zhengbao He, Chengjin Sun, Jie Yang, Xiaolin Huang: Universal Adversarial Attack on Attention and the Resulting Dataset DamageNet, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2020.3033291


上海交通大学 图像处理与模式识别研究所


Details of DAmageNet can be viewed in Universal Adversarial Attack on Attention and the Resulting Dataset DAmageNet

DAmageNet is a massive dataset containing universal adversarial samples generated from ImageNet.

DAmageNet contains 50000 224*224 images, whose original images have been centrally cropped and resized.

DAmageNet images have an average root mean square deviation of around 7.32 from original samples.

DAmageNet can fool pretrained models in ImageNet to have error rate up to 85%.

DAmageNet can fool adversarial-trained models in ImageNet to have error rate up to 70%.

Each file in DAmageNet has the same name as in ILSVRC2012_img_val.

Test in DAmageNet can be done by test.py

Unzip DAmageNet and run

python test.py DAmageNet VGG19,ResNet50,DenseNet121 0

For the reference: 

Sizhe Chen, Zhengbao He, Chengjin Sun, Jie Yang, Xiaolin Huang: Universal Adversarial Attack on Attention and the Resulting Dataset DamageNet, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2020.3033291

Sizhe Chen, Xiaolin Huang*, Zhengbao He, Chengjin Sun

Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,  Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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(更新时间:2021-02-20 21:13 浏览量:6921
